How Shockwave Therapy Can Give Relief From Pain
Are you tired of living with pain that limits your daily activities and hampers your quality of life? If so, it's time to shatter the pain and embrace a groundbreaking solution: shockwave therapy. This [...]
Neck pain working from home?
In the past 3 years a lot of us have been forced to work from home and then your set up from home may have been working from the kitchen table. Which in turn [...]
The Benefits of Exercise are…LIMITLESS! Part 3
Exercise guidelines for children (5+) and young people: There are two forms of exercise that would be recommended. One is aerobic exercises and the other is strengthening - targeting their main muscle groups and [...]
The Benefits of Exercise are…LIMITLESS! Part 2
Exercise guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64: It is recommended that you exercise every day in some shape or form. A mix of different types and intensities is beneficial, and spread them out [...]
What is Synkinesis?
What is Synkinesis? Synkinesis (pronounced sink-eye-nee-sis) means the development of linked or unwanted facial movements. It is common and occurs in the majority of people who are recovering from prolonged [...]
The Benefits of Exercise are…LIMITLESS! Part 1
Exercise is free, easy to access and you can start right now Reduces your risk of developing major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and lowers your risk of early death by up [...]
What is a “Slipped Disc”?
In the field of back pain, one term that used to strike fear into the hearts of many was "slipped disc." However, as medical knowledge has evolved, so too has our understanding of this [...]
Achilles Tendinopathy Start To End Stage Rehabilitation
The achilles tendon connects the gastrocnemius and soleus (calf muscles) to the calcaneus (heel bone). It is the thickest tendon in the human body and has the capacity to withstand large tensile forces.The tendon is [...]
Exercising with Parkinson’s
Parkinsonism is an umbrella term that is used to describe several conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease. Parkinson’s occurs when the brain does not produce enough dopamine. It is a progressive neurological condition. There are many [...]