Skiing is very demanding on the whole body, therefore it is important to be strong and flexible in preparation before you go.

Your arms will be used more because you will be learning on green and blue slopes, therefore you will use your poles a lot to get from A to B between slopes.
Strength work = light shoulder weight exercises (using your biceps, triceps and pecs) or use the Ski Erg machine in the gym.
Torso, back and core
Quads are the most used muscles skiing as you are in a constant squat!
Because you are leaning forward, both your glutes and your hamstrings will be stretched to help you maintain stability. And then because you lean forward you bend through the ankle and knee putting extra pressure on your calves.
When learning to stop you will “snow plough” which is rotating your feet so your toes and pointing in but heels pointing out. This action is rotating the hips and contacting all major leg muscles, therefore putting extra demand on the body.
They will be in high demand throughout a ski trip as you are bending forward slightly and also the core is stabilising to keep you upright.
You also are meant to face your body down the mountain when skiing, therefore you will get a lot of rotation through your torso.
Strength work = mountain climbers, planks and side planks.

If you would like to come in, we can assess you and tailor an individualized programme to get you flying on those slopes! Just get in touch and we can book an appointment with one of our Chartered Physiotherapists that specialises in this area.
We hope you enjoyed this blog by Kate O’Connor, Chartered Physiotherapist.
This blog is provided for information purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Seek the advice of your doctor with any queries regarding a medical condition.