Physiotherapy Conditions
Services include both Physiotherapy & Acupuncture to treat a variety of conditions along with vestibular rehabilitation. At the initial consultation a detailed history is taken and assessment carried out. A diagnosis is then made and a treatment plan is discussed and commenced to alleviate pain and stiffness, improve movement and rehabilitate to a fully active, symptom free life. Click on any of the services below to find out more.
- Vertigo / dizziness
- Neurological conditions e.g. stroke, Parkinson’s disease, paediatric developmental delay etc.
- Headaches – Migraine, tension headache.
- Bell’s Palsy
- Frozen shoulder
- Rotator cuff tear
- AC ligament strain
- Referred pain from neck
- Tennis elbow
- Golfers elbow
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Colles fracture
- Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
- Soft tissue / bony injury
- Costochondritis
- Respiratory / lung conditions e.g. Asthma, chest infections
- Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD)
- Incontinence – male and female
- Muscle tear
- Dead leg
- Referred pain from back or hip
- Arthritis
- Cartilage tear
- Ligament tears / sprains e.g. ACL
- Tendonopathy/tendon strains
- Patello-femoral pain / Chondromalacia patella
- Osgood Schlatters
- Total knee replacement
- Shin splints
- Stress fractures
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
- Runners hip
- Groin strain
- Total hip replacement
- Fallen arches
- Tired feet
- Bunions
- Plantar fasciitis / heel pain
- Whiplash
- Arthritis
- Muscle tension due to poor posture
- Prolapsed / bulging / slipped disc
- Torticollis
- Joint strain due to poor posture
- Repetitive strain injury (RSI)
- Bulging / prolapsed / slipped disc
- Arthritis
- Muscle strain
- Weak core stability
- Sciatica
- Hip lesion e.g. arthritis, labral tear
- Bursitis
- Pelvic girdle / sacroiliac pain
- Hamstring tear / strain
- Sciatica
- Muscle tear / strain
- Tight muscles
- Sciatica