Respiratory illness and chest complaints are extensive and varied in terms of type, severity and cause: i.e. infective / lifestyle / genetic. Physiotherapists are trained to provide an assessment and management programme, to address issues such as sputum clearance, shortness of breath and exercise tolerance.
Early intervention from a Chartered Physiotherapist is shown to have positive outcomes on overall quality of life for such patients.
Physiotherapy is indicated in a wide range of respiratory illnesses including but not limited to:
- Cystic fibrosis
- Chest infections
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
Physiotherapy treatment consists of:
- Breathing exercises
Manual techniques to aid sputum clearance
- Exercise prescription
- Diet and lifestyle advice
- Management of breathlessness and fatigue
- Mobility assessment and advice
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
If you have any unexplained / undiagnosed symptoms of breathlessness, productive cough, chest pain, weight loss etc. Please seek medical attention.