Navigating the World of Vertigo:The Role of Specialist Chartered Vestibular Physiotherapists
Vertigo, a sensation of spinning or dizziness, can be a disorienting and debilitating condition. It affects balance and makes even simple daily tasks challenging. Fortunately, specialist physiotherapists at East Cork Physiotherapy Balance and Acupuncture Clinic, called vestibular physiotherapists, play a crucial role in assessing and treating people who suffer from vertigo, helping patients regain stability and confidence.
What is Vertigo?
Vertigo is often a symptom of underlying issues within the vestibular system, the part of the inner ear and brain that controls balance and eye movements. Common causes include Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), vestibular migraine, vestibular neuritis, and Ménière’s disease. These conditions disrupt the balance signals to the brain, resulting in dizziness and a spinning sensation.
The Role of Vestibular Physiotherapists in Vertigo Treatment
Comprehensive Assessment
Vestibular physiotherapists specialising in vertigo conduct a thorough assessment to pinpoint the cause of the vertigo. Like any condition, accurate diagnosis is the most important starting point. The assessment includes a detailed medical history, physical examination, and specific objective tests using infrared goggles which lends to an accurate diagnosis.
Personalised Treatment Plans
Based on the diagnosis following the assessment, vestibular physiotherapists develop
personalised treatment plans. These plans often include:
1. Canalith Repositioning Manoeuvres:
For benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), manoeuvres like the Epley manoeuvre are used to move displaced crystals
in the inner ear to their correct position, resolving the problem regardless of how long it had been present.
2. Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT):
VRT involves exercises designed to improve balance, gaze stability, and overall coordination. These exercises help the brain adapt to and compensate for vestibular dysfunction.
3. Balance Training: Strengthening the vestibular system and improving proprioception (body awareness) are crucial for maintaining balance. Exercises like walking with head turns and using balance boards can be part of this training.
4. Education and Lifestyle Modifications: Physiotherapists educate patients on managing symptoms, avoiding triggers, and incorporating lifestyle changes to reduce the frequency and severity of vertigo episodes.
Our Experts

Sheila Barrett

Carol O’Brien

Kate O’Connor

Emer Maher
Success Stories and Patient Outcomes
Patients undergoing vertigo treatment with specialist vestibular physiotherapists most always report significant improvements in their symptoms and quality of life. Many experience complete resolution of symptoms with a full and complete recovery. Others with a progressive or recurrent condition report significant improvements with ease of dizziness, better balance, and increased confidence in their ability to perform daily activities without fear of falling.
Vertigo can be a life-altering condition, but with the expertise of specialist vestibular physiotherapists, it is manageable. Through comprehensive assessment and tailored treatment plans, we help patients navigate the challenges of vertigo, while restoring balance and stability to their lives. If you or a loved one is experiencing vertigo, just give us a call and we can guide you as to how you can access the appropriate care.
If you are interested in booking an appointment with one of our Chartered Physiotherapists or simply need some guidance, then please give us a call on 021 4633455 or book online below.
We hope you enjoyed this blog by Sheila Barrett, Chartered Vestibular Physiotherapist